So that you may have some fun of your own on your next vacation (or even when you are sitting on the couch, because why must travel be the
only excuse for photos?) I am sharing some of my tips with you. Be
warned: I am not a photographer. I don’t know what I am doing. But I am
blissfully, consistently amused by my own life and the photographic
record of it. That, and only that, is what gives me an air of
1. Group album cover.
2. Using Props.
3. Squeeze into tiny alcoves or niches.
4. Make out. (Note: this only works if you are on a trip with your significant other. Otherwise, it can make a family trip really awkward.)
5. Challenge the photographer to a duel.
6. Pretend your travel buddies are famous.
7. Take advantage of reflective surfaces.
8. Take a series of similar pictures, and compile them into a gif.
What no goofy pictures from Costa Rica or the Baltic? :P