
Sunday, December 27, 2015

2016- A year of bountiful adventure!

Greetings Follower, both old and new!
I new year is on fast approach and as I look back over the last year I see that all work and no play makes Greet a dull girl. My sincerest apollogies for becoming--- BORING! No, it true! Let's not dance around the topic. Over the last several months I became a lame, working woman. It's a fate worse than death!
However, it is not to be my long term destiny. On Christmas Eve, I received the best gift I could possibly ask for: A Companion's Pass. A.K.A. Free flights to wherever my dearest friend Ethan is flying! It's a Christmas miracle if you ask me.
A little about my friend Ethan, who will now become Traveler Prime on this blog! He works for this huge IT company and travels about 1/3 of the year to various account locations around the U.S. This means when he goes his ticket is paid for, his hotel is covered and most of his food can be expensed. So with his mileages from last year he qualified that he is allowed a free companion ticket on his future flights!
I've already got two trips planned with Traveler Prime(TP) for the next 5 weeks! We're going to Memphis to see the Liberty Bowl Game this coming weekend. As Alumni we want to should our support: #GoCats! Then in the first week of February, he's traveling for work to Baltimore. It's a short trip, meaning I can take the time off work! 
I cannot want to update you all on future adventures as they unfurl. Type at you later!
P.S. Hope you all had the happiest of holidays! Season's Greetings from your Vagabond.
"jingle all the way! Nobody likes a halfass jingler."

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